The stripper guides help control the line as it leaves the reel , some call it taming. The first stripper guide needs to be small enough to control the loops or waves in the line during casting but not so small that the line slaps the face of the guide or ring causing it (the line) to slow down. The second stripper is a reduction guide that "tames" the line even more or reduces the wave significantly. The third guide should be the transition guide for the running guides. Some believe that this should be the same size as the running guides (rapid reduction). In previous years this was thought to be just part of the transition as the guides begin to get smaller toward the tip. I build rods using only three to four different sized guides and not the older method of reduction (6 or 7 different sizes). This is what I do: for a size 50 or 100 bait caster I use a high frame 6mm guide, high frame 5mm, a 4.5mm or 4mm transition guide and 4mm running guides. The spacing should follow the line from the reel to a given choke point on the rod. For a spinning reel size 1000 to 3000 I use a 20mm high frame guide, 12mm or 10mm high frame, a high frame 7mm to 5.5mm transition or choke guide and 5mm or 4mm running guides. For a larger diameter spool you may need to use a 25mm as the first stripper. The rod is built for the reel to be used on it. That is why the difference in sizes so that the stripper reduction train can be spaced evenly according to the line from the reel to a predetermined choke point on the rod. The guides need to be centered and spaced with the line. und nun zerfleischt mich...![]()
Klar kann man das so intendieren, aber dann wäre es auch ein beworbenes Feature. Tölkie liegt da imho schon ganz richtig:Vielleicht soll es einfach die Option sein ne Baitcastrolle, dann halt ohne Trigger, fischen zu können?
Die Aussage vom Hersteller zeigt mir aber mal wieder wie wenig die Leute von dem verstehen was sie verkaufen/ herstellen lassen. Nichts desto trotz ist die Rute ja iO und funktioniert.